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Welcome to the official documentation for the Edgeware network! This documentation is designed to educate those looking to build within Edgeware, and expand upon the technology that Edgeware utilizes.

Upgrade Schedule

ERUP-4 is in final testing and has been deployed to the Beresheet testnet, including upgrading the Edgeware network to Substrate 3,adding orml-tokens + orml-nft pallets, node type upgrades, and fixes for the Frontier EVM compatibility layer and . Read more.

Correlate Runtime Version to Release Version

To get the exact version that is running on Edgeware's Mainnet. You can visit and query system.lastRuntimeUpgrade for the spec_version number. Navigate then over to edgeware-node/releases on github and verify the spec_version in the node/runtime/src/ file.

What is Edgeware?

Edgeware is an:

  • On-chain Governed,
  • Nominated Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Blockchain
  • Smart Contract Platform
  • with a WASM (WebAssembly) Runtime through Parity Substrate.
  • And the ability to run both EVM (Solidity) Contracts, and Rust (Ink!) Contracts.

It is designed to apply decision-making process to the runtime of the blockchain, but also to the decision-making processes themselves, in an effort to rapidly generate more effective governance solutions for blockchain platforms.

Participants can vote, delegate, and fund improvements and upgrades through DAOs, economic mechanisms, cryptographic voting systems, and more.

Edgeware emphasizes user ownership and true decentralization through its governance mechanisms and through its unique token distribution mechanism, the lockdrop. Participants in Edgeware’s lockdrop staked a total of 1.1 million ETH and have a voice in the future of the network; their votes and delegations fund network upgrades.

Edgeware users value the platform for its commitment and potential to fulfill this more decentralized and user-owned vision, both for the governance mechanisms as well as its unique token distribution mechanism, the lockdrop, which distributes tokens more fairly in order to achieve more effective and representative governance.

Built on Substrate

Edgeware is built on Parity Substrate, a framework for creating new blockchains derived from the Polkadot project. Substrate implements nearly all the code necessary to launch a working blockchain, including libp2p networking, a WebAssembly runtime, PBFT consensus, and clients for running nodes and proof-of-stake validators. The engineering effort for creating Edgeware is thus limited to building the governance systems, creating well-tested compile toolchains for writing C/C++/Rust smart contracts that can be compiled to Ethereum WebAssembly (Ewasm), and porting over a pipeline for existing Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) smart contracts to be run on Ewasm.

Getting Involved

Edgware is most plainly an actively-governed smart contract blockchain. Emphasis on active. Anyone can actively…

… participate in the lock drop. By locking ETH, you get EDG tokens which give you staking and voting rights on the new chain.

… deploy smart contracts to either a WASM or EVM virtual machine.

… participate in council and governance decisions. With stakeholders like core devs, dapp devs, end users, chain governance, and broader community stakeholders being represented by separate councils.

… develop the protocol using skills or interest that you may have. And for those efforts, be compensated with additional EDG token — representing future staking and voting rights.

This site, Edgeware Documentation, aims to become a community-developed resource for the use, validation, development on, and management of the Edgeware smart contract platform.